Optimizing BluLexi: Behind the Scenes Part 1

by Yasin Ghasemi
Optimized BluLexi's back-end. And I have some good plans for today.

Hello dear reader

I spent all my time at home yesterday. I didn’t even go out running. I hadn’t done that in almost 6 months! It felt good. I think my body needed it. And I focused on BluLexi a lot, optimizing the back-end part of the website.

I didn’t go to Postex yesterday. I stayed home. I worked on the last report I had to give them. Then, I pinpointed my focus on BluLexi. You see, BluLexi uses a model train on OpenAI’s GPT 3.5 Turbo model. And we’re about to train a bigger, better model. But training a new model, or as they say, fine-tuning a model, can be a bit costly. So, I optimized the prompt we’re going to use. The old prompt was about 2100 tokens, and this new one is a little more than 600 tokens! That’s a big win.

The first phase of BluLexi is assessing writing for academic English tests like IELTS and TOEFL. This phase can be done by the end of this week. I think the bottleneck here is creating a good UI. That slows us down since Pouya is a little bit busy these days. We’re using Google Chats to manage the project. It’s handy and can be used for smaller groups. I like it.

One thing I realized yesterday was the significant internet speed drop from 6 to 10 pm. It’s weird. You can’t use the internet efficiently. This means I should arrange my schedule to finish working by 6, do other stuff after that, and then go to sleep. I watched a movie at around 9:30 pm last night when the internet started playing games with me.

Let’s talk about today. Today is the day that I focus on my coding project. Yes, I didn’t do anything about it yesterday. It gives me bad feelings. I should do it today. I am only 3 steps away from finishing it off. After that, I should write the text for this paper, which is much easier. So, that’s the priority for today.

I need to go to Postex today and collect my personal belongings. One of my friends’ younger sister asked me a Python question. I should find some time to help that poor thing. I should also go for a run. I feel my body needs some good training. Finally, I need to take care of some data-entry tasks related to BluLexi.

That’s it. See you around


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